What is CAIPE?

CAIPE is the leading organisation in the UK for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP). Established in 1987, CAIPE is a UK-based charity with international outreach whose members (individuals, service users, students and corporate organisations) work together to promote and develop the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities through interprofessional education, collaborative practice and related research facilitating the development of a workforce fit for purpose.

It is an independent ‘think tank’, accountable and responsible for its actions, dependent on funding from members’ subscriptions and income generation. It aspires to be a national and international authoritative voice respected equally by governments, academia and in the workplace.

CAIPE in 1997 initially defined Interprofessional Education as: occasions when two or more professions learn together with the objective of cultivating collaborative practice (CAIPE Bulletin Nos 13 1997 go to page 19). In 2002 the definition was amended to:   “occasions when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care" (download).   Extending CAIPE’s definition we recognise interprofessional education as occasions when members or students of two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care and services (Statement of Purpose CAIPE 2016).    Applying that definition, CAIPE works to improve quality in education, practice and the organisation and delivery of health and social care services:

  • Working with statutory and independent, professional and regulatory bodies locally, nationally and internationally;
  • Assembling and disseminating information;
  • Running conferences and workshops;
  • Offering consultancies.

CAIPE supports students, educators, practitioners, researchers and users of services inviting those who opt to be its members (individuals, services users, students or corporate organisations) to:

  • Engage in mutual support;
  • Access online interprofessional national and international resources through publications, including the Journal of Interprofessional of Care;
  • Contribute to CAIPE’s work through its Working Groups;
  • Respond with CAIPE to opportunities to influence policy and practice;
  • Access funding opportunities.

CAIPE works with likeminded organisations to further these objectives at home and abroad (see). It is one of a growing number of networks confederating in Interprofessional.Global (IP.G) which subscribes to the same ideals worldwide and oversees the biennial All Together Better Health (ATBH) conferences see.


CAIPE commends the following values where interprofessional education and collaborative practice:

  • Focuses on the needs of individuals, families and communities to improve their quality of care, health outcomes and wellbeing;
  • Applies equal opportunities within and between the professions and all with whom they learn and work;
  • Respects individuality, difference and diversity within and between the professions and all with whom they learn and work;
  • Sustains the identity and expertise of each profession;
  • Promotes parity between professions in the learning environment;
  • Instils interprofessional values and perspectives throughout uniprofessional and multiprofessional learning.

CAIPE (2011) Principles of Interprofessional Education (Barr, H. & Low, H.)

CAIPE honours these ideals by:

  • respecting and valuing all who learn together;
  • striving for excellence in collaborative education, research and practice;
  • contributing to vibrant communities of practice;
  • furthering innovation, creativity and diversity;
  • empowering its members to bring about change.
Defining Interprofessional Education
Mission Statement
CAIPE Values and Professional Conduct
Meet Our Board Members
Meet Our Leadership Team
CAIPE Fellows
Meet Our Global Partners- Interprofessional.Global
The Journal of Interprofessional Care - Our Official Journal
A History of CAIPE (1987 - 2003) - by John Horder, first CAIPE Chairman

CAIPE works with likeminded organisations to further these objectives at home and abroad

It is one of a growing number of networks confederating in Interprofessional.Global which subscribes to the same ideals worldwide and oversees the biennial All Together Better Health (ATBH) conferences. 

Interprofessional.Global includes representatives from regional and emerging networks across the world. Regional Networks: Africa (AfriPEN); Australasia (AIPPEN); Canada (CIHC); India (IndIPEN); Japan (JAIPE and JIPWEN); Scandinavia (NipNet); South & Central America and Caribbean (REIP); United Kingdom (CAIPE) and United States of America (AIHC). Emerging Networks: Arabic Speaking Countries; Asia Pacific (APIPECnet) and German Speaking Countries (Do.IP).

Interprofessional.Global oversees promotion and planning for the biennial All Together Better Health (ATBH) conferences hosted by institutions worldwide.