The CAIPE Board 2023 - 2024


Hugh Barr, MPhil, Ph.D., Hon DSc

Employment: CAIPE President

Qualifications:  Mphil, PhD

Awards:  Hon. DSc (3) (Kingston, UEA and Southampton); Hon Fellow (Westminster)

Summary Statement:

In active retirement, supports the CAIPE co-Chair and Board regarding policy and developments.

Responds readily to enquiries regarding interprofessional education and practice past and present insofar as he is able.



July 2021 -ongoing

Professor Elizabeth (Liz) Anderson PhD

Employment: Professor of Interprofessional Education and Lead for Patient Safety; Leicester Medical School, George Davies Centre for Medicine, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH. [email protected]

Qualifications: SRN, SCM, HV, BSc. (Hons), PhD, PGC in HE.

Awards: University Teaching Fellow 2005; National Teaching Fellow, 2007; Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy 2012; CAIPE Fellow 2016

Summary Statement:

Following a clinical career as a nurse, midwife and Health Visitor, Elizabeth has become a highly experienced teacher and scholar, particularly in the field of interprofessional education (IPE).  She has built a national and international reputation of publications over the past twenty years.  She led the incorporation of IPE into the Leicester medical curriculum bringing together three Higher Education Institutions.  She Chairs the University Patient and Carer Group and continues to propel patient involvement which is closely aligned with IPE.  She also leads research in patient safety and mindfulness. She began working with CAIPE in 2000 as a co-opted board member and has continued to support the CAIPE community as an elected board member and more recently as a CAIPE Fellow.  She will now lead CAIPE following the principles of collaborative leadership with Dr Angela Lennox.


Dr Angela Lennox CBE DL

Employment: General Practitioner; Deputy Medical Director NHS England and Improvement (London) and Honorary Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Leicester; Leicester Medical School, George Davies Centre for Medicine, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH. E: [email protected]

Qualifications: MBBS, MRCGP, FRCP.

Awards: MBE, CBE, DL.

Summary Statement:

Dr Lennox has worked in the NHS for the past 40 years as a General Medical Practitioner and entrepreneur who pioneered the development of multiagency health and social care centres. She has worked extensively in senior medical leadership positions and was an advisor to a former Secretary of State for Health, as well as an Associate Director of Primary Care for the Department of Health. She currently fulfils a number of roles in the NHS and third sector leading on clinical governance, quality assurance and performance. Additionally, she was a Senior Lecturer in the University of Leicester where in 1996 she pioneered a model of inter-professional education for all healthcare staff. Dr Lennox is currently a Medical Director in NHS England and Improvement, as well as a Trustee for the national homeless charity - Homeless Link.

In 1999 Angela was awarded the MBE for Services to Medicine and the Community; in 2001 she was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire and in 2008 she was awarded the CBE for Services to Healthcare.



Pat Bluteau MA, BA(Hons), RMN, PGCert Research & Evaluation, Cert Ed, Dip Counselling. FHEA, MBACP

Pat is an Associate Head of School – Quality & Accreditation in the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, at Coventry University. She joined the CAIPE Board in 2013 and was appointed Treasurer in 2017. Pat has been actively involving in leading IPE at Coventry University since 2002. During her time with CAIPE Pat has served on the following CAIPE groups: Student, Service User & Carer, Marketing & Promotion, and is currently active in the IPE national standards.

Her IPE research interests concentrate on the challenges and opportunities of designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating interprofessional education in pre-registration health and social care professional courses, online interprofessional education, digital resilience, practice based interprofessional activity and discourse analysis.




Emma Smith

Emma is an ex service user and currently out of practise speech and language therapist- SLT. Emma became a service user following an RTA in 2002 close to SLT degree completion. Her recovery from significant injuries utalised a plethora of professionals and interprofessional working.

Emma has a passion for IPE working and has been actively involved with the development of it as a service user representative, with Leicester and De Montfort Universities medical, health and social schools since 2008. Developing use and understanding of IPE with current and future professionals. She is an ambassador for the University of Leicester’s medical patient Carer Group.

Emma feels the service user is key and an essential part of the team. Emma has worked with CAIPE at presentations and workshops, and through online conversations. She was a co-opted service user representative member on the board of CAIPE in 2016, and a board member since 2018.


Dr Andreas Xyrichis 


King’s College London


PhD, MSc, PGCAP, BSc (Hons), DipHE


Fellow Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Summary Statement:

Andreas Xyrichis is the Editor-in-Chief of the international Journal of Interprofessional Care – the most influential academic journal in the field of interprofessional science, ranked in the top quartile of Thomson-Reuters impact factor list of Health Policy & Services journals. He is a senior academic researcher at King’s College London, England, having previously held clinical, research and policy posts in London and Brussels. His training has been in nursing, research methodology, health policy and sociology. Andreas' research focuses on strengthening the organisation and delivery of healthcare, towards improving the accessibility, safety and quality of healthcare systems. He is also an active educationalist working with the King’s Centre for Team-Based Practice and Learning in Health Care, which oversees the delivery of interprofessional education for over 1,500 students/year from medicine, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, physiotherapy, dentistry, dietetics, and clinical psychology.


Juan-Jose Beunza, MD, PhD, SM1, MMed

Medical doctor specialised in Internal and Tropical Medicine, with a PhD in Cardiovascular and Nutrition Epidemiology (SM1 at Harvard T.S. Chang School of Public Health). Special interest in machine learning, artificial intelligence and Rstats applied to health.

Currently Professor of Public Health and Interprofessional Education at the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid. Founder, and currently co-director, of the IPE Program of the same School. Visiting professor of the Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) and of the Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain).

Member of the Board of Directors of CAIPE.

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Interprofessional Care.

Member of the IMPULS research team.

Close collaborator with PAHO/WHO and the Ministry of Health of Brazil in the design and implementation of IPE in Latin America. Currently involved in the development of the national plans of: Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Colombia.

60+ publications indexed in Pubmed. H-index: 19. Editor of the “Manual of IPE for health”, Elsevier, Madrid, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-9113-296-7. Author of “Working with aliens: emotions management on IPE”. Ilusbooks, Madrid, 2016. ISBN: 978-84-1657-430-8.


Sharon Buckley MSC PhD PGCE SFHEA DipSciComm National Teaching Fellow Senior Lecturer in Medical Education University of Birmingham  [email protected]

Employment:  Honorary Associate Professor of Medical Education, University of Birmingham, UK

Qualifications:  MSc, PhD, PGCE, DipSciComm.

Awards:  National Teaching Fellow, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy

Summary Statement:

Sharon is a Trustee, Board member and member of the CAIPE leadership team.

A microbiologist by background, Sharon is an experienced educator with a strong record of expanding IPE opportunities for trainee health professionals. As the Birmingham lead for IPE, she established the Birmingham IPE steering group and led the development of the Birmingham IPE Educational Framework. Since 2005, she has led four major regional IPE projects, focussing particularly on the development of authentic interprofessional simulations for pre-registration students; and in 2018,she founded the Universitas 21 Health Sciences IPE Special Interest Group, which holds an annual international student team challenge.

Sharon has published aspects of her work, including two Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic reviews. She was founding member of the CUBE2 BEME International Collaborating Centre and served as Member of the Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) collaboration review editorial committee. In 2016, she established the Healthcare Scientist Training Research and Evaluation Group, which has published the first evaluations of teaching and learning on the UK Scientist Training Programme.

Sharon has led faculty development for health professionals and academic staff and mentored colleagues working to develop and obtain recognition for their research and teaching excellence, most recently as part of her work as Senior Associate Editor for The Clinical Teacher.

In July 2021. Sharon became Honorary Associate Professor of Medical Education at the University of Birmingham, in which role she continues to mentor students and staff and to undertake educational writing and research.

(University profile:


Melissa Owens


University of Bradford


Doctorate of Education; Post Grad Cert in Research Studies; BA (Hons) RN:LD

Summary Statement:

Following a career as a nurse for people with learning disabilities, Melissa moved into education and is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Bradford and the lead for Interprofessional Education in her Faculty.  Melissa has been involved in the development and delivery of interprofessional education for more than 15 years.  She has developed interprofessional modules and delivered interprofessional events both in the university and the practice setting.  Collaborative working was the focus of her Doctorate and she has also been involved in a number of research projects focusing both on this and interprofessional education.  Melissa is the lead for CAIPE’s Research Sub-Group and is a member of IPR.Global.


Emma Pope


Lecturer Radiotherapy & Oncology Programme, Cardiff University


BSc (Hons) Radiography; MSc Radiotherapy & Oncology; Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Summary Statement:

Emma is the IPE lead for the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University. Alongside this, she is also the Programme Manager for the BSc (Hons) Radiotherapy & Oncology Programme also at Cardiff University.

Emma’s main focus is in teaching and learning, and she has a particular interest in the discourse associated with IPE. Her current IPE role involves overseeing over 1,000 students across nine disciplines within allied health, nursing and midwifery. This will grow over the next few years to include IPE collaboration with the School of Dentistry at Cardiff University. Emma has been CAIPE Board Member since 2020.  As a CAIPE Board member, Emma is engaged in the CAIPE Workshops and Consultancy; Research and Welsh representation.


Suzy Plows


Manager, Centre for Interprofessional Education and Learning, University of Nottingham


Master of Public Health; PgCert, Health Policy; B.A., Anthropology

Summary Statement:

Suzy is the Manager of the Centre for Interprofessional Education and Learning (CIEL) at the University of Nottingham. Her background is in public health, health policy and anthropology, and she has spent the last 16 years working in higher education.

Suzy co-leads the Communication and Marketing Team and is a member of the Interprofessional.Global Communication Working Group.


Vikki Park PhD., PG Dip., PG Cert., BSc (Hons), FHEA, HEA Mentor, RN, RNT.


Assistant Professor in Nursing and IPECP, and Faculty Lead for IPE, at Northumbria University.


Doctor of Philosophy., Post Graduate Diploma., Post Graduate Certificate., Bachelor of Science with Honours, Registered Nurse, Registered Nurse Teacher.


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Summary Statement:

Vikki's healthcare career began in 1999 and she has worked in education since 2010. Currently employed as Assistant Professor for Nursing and Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice at Northumbria University, UK, she has an IPE Faculty Leadership role. Vikki is an NMC registered nurse and NMC registered nurse teacher with professional expertise in adult critical care, interprofessional education, and simulation.

Vikki is passionate about interprofessional collaboration, learning and education, and her doctoral study was in this field. She has experience leading, designing, facilitating, and evaluating interprofessional education for large groups of students in higher education.

Interprofessional group membership includes the CAIPE Research Working Group, IPR.Global Communication & Marketing Working Group, IP.Global Capacity Building Working Group, INHWE, and Vikki was elected to the CAIPE National Board in July 2021.

For doctoral supervision or examination, Vikki is on the CAIPE database for IPE expertise. Vikki’s research interests focus upon interprofessional learning, particularly within the clinical environment of critical care and in relation to the continual professional development of healthcare practitioners. Aligned to this, Vikki is an Adult Critical Care reviewer for the Nursing in Critical Care journal. Principal areas of scholarly interest include simulation-based education, patient safety, human factors, communication, interpersonal skills, and clinical skills development.


Alison Power RM, SFHEA, MProfPrac, MSc, PGCTHE, PGCPE


Associate Professor (Learning and Teaching); Faculty of Health, Education and Society Lead for Interprofessional Education (IPE); Senior Lecturer (Midwifery)

University of Northampton, Waterside Campus, University Drive, Northampton NN1 5PH



Summary Statement:

Alison, a Registered Midwife, moved into Higher Education in 2006, initially as a Practice Educator, moving to Senior Lecturer (Midwifery) in 2008, and was awarded the title of Associate Professor (Learning and Teaching) in 2021.  She is the Faculty Lead for Interprofessional Education (IPE), co-ordinating a cross-Faculty collaborative curriculum for 16 undergraduate and 1 postgraduate health, education and social care programmes.  She has written a higher education-focused column in a peer reviewed professional journal (British Journal of Midwifery) since 2014 and joined its Editorial Board in 2019.  She has to date had more than 40 articles published within the journal focusing on learning, teaching and assessment in HE - more specifically healthcare education.

She is Co-lead of CAIPE’s Experience Research Subgroup.



CAIPE appointed 7 new Board members in January 2024.  They will be put forward at the 2024 AGM in November to approve them as full Board members for an initial three year term.


Dr Sharron Blumenthal


Strategic Lead for Interprofessional Education; Glasgow Caledonian University


Graduate Diploma Physiotherapy, MSc Rehabilitation, Professional Doctorate



Summary Statement:

Sharron is a Physiotherapist by background. She moved into education in 1997 becoming an associate lecturer at Keele University. Sharron has worked at Glasgow Caledonian University since 2005 and her current roles are that of Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy and Strategic Lead for Interprofessional Education (IPE). Sharron comes from a clinical background that embedded interprofessional collaboration at its core and she has contributed to two interprofessionally developed clinical guidelines around Non-invasive Ventilation (Baudouin et al, 2002) and The Management of the Spontaneously Breathing Adult (Bott et al, 2009), both published in Thorax.

Sharron has held a number of roles whilst at GCU, including that of Associate Dean International. She has been involved in the development and delivery of interprofessional education within the University for the past 19 years including the delivery and assessment of interprofessional education at GCU. she has been an IPE module lead, IPE lead for Allied Health and Social Work and took up the IPE Strategic Lead role in December 2023. The current credit rated IPE framework at GCU runs across two universities and has 15 different health and social care professions within it. 4000 students move through the framework each year. Sharron’s current role relates to the operational leadership of the framework. Additionally, she is leading the IPE framework review pending completion in 2024.

Sharron’s Doctoral research involved the development of the Interprofessional Education Academic Behavioural Confidence Scale (Blumenthal et al, 2021). Sharron has a number of doctoral students, whose research relates to IPE and she has presented at a number of national and international conferences, including All Together Better Health. Sharron was a member of the development team for the inaugural Scottish Health and Social Care Team Challenge (SHSCTC) in 2014, and successfully co-led the second SHSCTC at Glasgow Caledonian University in April 2016.


Professor Richard Kyle, MA(Hons), PGCAP, PhD, FRGS, FRSPH, SFHEA


University of Exeter


MA(Hons), PGCAP, PhD


Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (FRGS), Fellow, Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH)

Summary Statement:

Richard is Professor of Interprofessional Education and Interim Head of the Academy of Nursing at the University of Exeter, and a Visiting Professor at the University of the Highlands and Islands.  He has over 15 years’ experience in higher education, having previously held academic positions at the Universities of Glasgow (2005-2006), Lancaster (2006-2007), Manchester (2008-2010), Stirling (2010-2014) and Edinburgh Napier (2015-2020).  Richard has developed and evaluated pioneering drama-based educational approaches to illustrate the complexities of interprofessional working in healthcare.  His pedagogical innovations have received a Scottish Education Award and recognition as a Student Nursing Times Awards finalist for ‘Partnership of the Year’ and ‘Teaching Innovation of the Year’.  Richard is also an accomplished researcher and publishes widely across the fields of healthcare professional education, nursing, public health, and the social sciences.  As a mixed methodologist, he has expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs, including data linkage and analysis of routinely collected data, cluster randomised controlled trials, and co-design and evaluation of educational and psychosocial interventions in young people and adults.  Richard has held senior leadership positions in higher education, charities, and the NHS, where he was Deputy Head of Research and Evaluation at Public Health Wales (2020-2021).

University of Exeter: Staff Profile

X (Twitter): @richardgkyle


Mark Dexter


General Medical Council (GMC)

Mark is an experienced policy maker with over 35 years’ experience of working in government, regulatory and international bodies. In his current role as Head of Strategic Policy for Education at the General Medical Council (GMC), he has led key developments, including a professional skills framework for postgraduate training (now embedded in curricula for 65 medical specialties), a major review to increase flexibility in postgraduate training pathways, and the response to several national service priorities, for example end of life care and people with eating disorders. In terms of effective and safe care, all these areas have a common thread to the extent they require an interprofessional approach to learning and working.

The early part of Mark’s career in the Department of Health was spent working on policy designed to improve healthcare for children, people with mental illness and those who are homeless. He also spent 3 years working in the office of the UK Secretary of State for Health. Mark’s entry to the world of medical education was in the early 2000s with a secondment from the Department of Health to the then Specialist Training Authority, to head up the Office of the Director of Appeals. He subsequently joined the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board as Head of Policy in 2005 and worked closely with Board members on ground-breaking work to establish standards for postgraduate training and separate standards for - and a major review of - all postgraduate curricula. Mark transferred to the GMC in 2010.

In 2020, Mark was seconded to the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME’s) as Senior Policy Adviser to undertake a comprehensive review of the organisation’s functions. In his final report, presented to and endorsed by WFME’s Executive Council in early 2022, Mark made over 50 recommendations covering: a programme of continuous improvement to support the WFME’s Recognition Programme; new arrangements for governance and finance; and plans to strengthen international collaboration, innovation, and longer-term income generation.

Mark describes his various roles as having provided a privileged insight to the work health professionals do, but also the scope to help drive improvements in the way they are supported - both to deliver effective, safe care and as part of their career development. In this context, and the opportunities for interprofessional learning emerging in wider plans for workforce development and the harmonisation of health regulators, he is keen to contribute to the delivery of CAIPE’s five-year strategy.


Dr Aoife Fleming


Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and Vice Head for Interprofessional Learning, College of Medicine and Health, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.


BScPharm, MSc. Clinical Pharmacy, PhD, Diploma TLHE, Registered Pharmacist MPSI.

Summary Statement:

Aoife is a registered Pharmacist, with experience in hospital, community and regulatory pharmacy before moving into research and higher education in 2011. Aoife is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy and the Vice Head for Interprofessional Learning (IPL) in the College of Medicine and Health in UCC. She chairs the College IPL Development Committee which oversees Interprofessional Education and Learning for students across a range of healthcare programmes. Aoife has a passion for developing student confidence and competence to prepare them for future practice, and for including the patient voice and lived experience into IPL. She has driven a dynamic and innovative programme of IPL for students across all disciplines in the College. She is an active member of the All Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge (AIPEC) national steering group and works with colleagues in eight Universities across the island of Ireland to organise this annual event. AIPEC is an intervarsity student challenge which provides an extracurricular opportunity for health and social care students to develop their collaboration and team-working skills. Aoife has publications and research expertise in the areas of medication safety, antimicrobial stewardship, vaccination uptake and supervises a number of doctoral candidates and researchers in these areas. She has expertise in mixed methods and qualitative research and has also been awarded funding and published research in the area of interprofessional learning and collaboration.


Veronica O'Carroll:


Senior Lecturer and Registered Nurse (Adult) in the School of Medicine, University of St Andrews


PhD, MSc, PGCertHE, BA (Hons), RGN



Summary Statement:

Since 2009, she has been involved in the design and implementation of interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional research in the academic and practice learning environment. Veronica supervises and examines MSc PhD/MD Prof Doc dissertations and theses related to interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration. She is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care.


Dr Sivaram Shanmugam  



Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiotherapy & Paramedicine, School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, G4 0BA Scotland. [email protected]




SFHEA, AdvanceHE Collaborate Award for Teaching Excellence 2020

Summary Statement:

Dr Shiv Shanmugam is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physiotherapy and Paramedicine. He is founding Programme Director for an innovative integrated preregistration physiotherapy doctorate programme, the first of its kind in Europe. Shiv is also the Department’s Learning & Teaching Adviser.

Shiv gained a Bachelors’ in Physiotherapy at Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, India where he graduated with the Steve Kolumban Memorial Gold Medal for the best all round student and stayed on to work as a Clinical Academic at the Rehabilitation Institute.  He has previously worked as a Lecturer in Physiotherapy at Queen Margaret University before moving to Glasgow Caledonian University.

With his current administrative roles, Shiv is also the University’s Vice-Chair of the assessment regulations sub-committee and Chair of the Anti-Racism Curriculum Group. He also leads the Education Research Group within the School of Health and Life Sciences, a collective dedicated to pioneering educational enhancement, innovation, and impactful research. The group has grown to a remarkable 65 individuals from within and beyond school.

He teaches on the masters and doctoral level interprofessional module and has doctoral completions on validation of a collaborative practice measurement tool for integrated community teams.

Shiv serves as a Non-Executive Director and Board Member at a Third Sector Educational Company, delivering Family and Systemic Therapy in Scotland and the North of England. Additionally, he holds a Lay Advisor role at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and Trustee for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy’s Charitable Trust.


Federico Farini


Lead at the interdisciplinary Centre for Psychological and Sociological Sciences at the University of Northampton


Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 2008), MA in Anthropology (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 2005) and a second MA in History (University of Bologna, 2002).


Summary Statement:

Federico Farini's background is rooted in Social Sciences, with a

For many years, he has been leading national and international projects in the fields of Sociology of Intercultural Communication, Cultural Sociology, Globalization Theories, Social Theory, Communication Studies, Sociology of Education, Youth and Childhood studies, Policy evaluation. Other areas of expertise concern Equality and Social Justice in access to education and healthcare. His research is characterised by an interdisciplinary approach at the service of positive impact on the lives of stakeholders and communities that characterises. Federico’s current research concerns the inclusion of migrant children and young people in education, youth subcultures,  cultural studies, migrant-friendly services, intercultural education. A recent volume edited with Angela Scollan (Middlesex University), 'Self-determination of children in Early Childhood Education and Services', was recognised in 2021 as a top resource  to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4, 'quality education' with more than 12,000 downloads.

Federico is a Visiting Professor in Research Methods at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where he is also a member of the PhD School. He collaborates with the International  Post-Doc programs at the University of Venice “Ca' Foscari” and as an expert reviewer for UNESCO, the European Union and several national funding bodies.