Freeth, D., Hammick, M., Koppel, I., Reeves, S. & Barr, H. al (2002) A Critical review of Evaluations of Interprofessional Education. HEA Health Sciences and Practice, Occasional Paper 2.

This ‘critical review of evaluations of interprofessional education’ is the second of a series of occasional papers commissioned by the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) Centre for Health Sciences and Practice. The first occasional paper by Professor Hugh Barr ‘Interprofessional Education Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow’ set the issue in historical and current context as well as suggesting future directions. This second paper develops the topic by reviewing systematically the literature on evaluations of interprofessional education. The choice of topic was based on a needs analysis of the Health Sciences and Practice community conducted at an early stage of the creation of the LTSN in 2000. One of the recurrent themes was that of interprofessional education.

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