CAIPE (1996) Interprofessional Education in Health and Social Care in the United Kingdom – Report of a CAIPE Survey (Authored by- Barr, H. &  Waterton, S.)

This paper reports on the first United Kingdom (UK) survey of interprofessional education for six years, the first since radical reforms in health, social care and education took effect, the first to cover community care as well as primary care and the first to include Northern Ireland.

The survey sought to obtain an indication of the incidence and nature of interprofessional education initiatives in the UK. From the outset the steering group recognised that this was an ambitious task. Despite a low response rate to the first of two questionnaires, there is much to learned from the total response. The information obtained provides many pointers to the state of the art in interprofessional education, even though it is not possible to deduce its present scale from this survey or to make comparisons with CAIPE’s earlier survey in 1988/89.

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