CAIPE (2002) Towards A European Approach To An Enhanced Education Of The Health Professions In The 21st Century. Report Of The European Interprofessionals Consultation 1999 – 2001 (Author: Engels, C.)

From the very start this consultation was conceived as merely the first step towards the creation of an informed climate of opinion. The overall aim is to assist in the development of enhanced curricula in higher professional education. Such curricula should extend the education of their students beyond discrete disciplinary boundaries.

Within the context of their profession-specific studies the students should be exposed to the wider problems and challenges that relate to the world at large. The students would also have opportunities to work with students of other professions and with people from other cultures and in other countries.

These experiences should equip future professionals to be able to adapt themselves to change and to participate corporately in the management of change – not only within their particular profession, but also on behalf of society at large. The underlying proposition is that the Twenty First Century will witness an escalation in the frequency and gravity of changes that will affect society worldwide. The identification, mitigation and long-term remediation of these changes will call for the active collaboration of all professions with governments nationally and internationally.

The successful practice of the related wider, social responsibilities would depend on the appropriate education of future members of the professions.